I believe the long pull in the direction of democratic values has begun and is being joined by more and more. In the backlash at the ballot box and through other electoral actions, we are getting a real time lesson in the power of the vote.

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Nice, Rex. I notice that you share a writing technique with Robert Frost. Not a bad comparison.

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Well, thank you, Steve. But have I taken a road less traveled? I'm not totally sure of what you mean here...

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The word "diametrics"comes to mind. But I may be misusing that term. Your latest issue, while not referring to complete opposites, does imply the opposing forces that exist in a tug of war. The need to decide between two roads diverging, or two neighbors mending a common wall, or "The Sound of the Trees" talking about going but never getting away are similar devices, I think, that Frost employs quite regularly in his works. You have the ability to use this technique - and the skill to use it sometimes in one sentence. In your seventh paragraph you say, "There's little penalty --- and plenty of reward."

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I am so grateful for your careful and thoughtful reading. I benefit from what I think is called isogesis. Probably I should look that up.

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Eisegesis. But that’s not really what I meant. I mean that I’m flattered and think I likely deserve less credit — but better for me to just say, “Thanks.”

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