I appreciate that you approach issues as a moralist would.

Today’s column could have been written entirely without reference to sports—where cheating has been a tradition. Baseball, for example: stealing signs; spitballs; PEDs; sticky substances; corked bats. Sports does not stand in clear contrast to politics in matters of honesty.

But, at least, sports has incorporated replay reviews to take errors of judgment (and efforts to cheat) out of the games. Politics has not. Who can keep track of George Santos' record-breaking lies. Fact-checking—what’s that?!

And journalistic integrity is in a precarious position with the consolidation of the media. The need to produce high ratings is paramount. Do-or-die competition among air, online and print outlets has given slanted news management far greater value than truth-telling. Sensationalism sells.

The part of your column that pangs my heart is this: “Children are taught that the first rule of sports isn’t to win — it’s to respect your opponent. And the second rule is to honor the sport’s rules and the referee or umpire. A game won by cheating disrespects opponents, umpires and the game itself.” It comes down to two simple words: Fair Play.

Indeed. That’s what I tried to impart to kids many years ago in schoolyards in the Bronx. I believed it then. I still do.

~Fred Smith

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Thank you for your thoughtful comment, Fred, and welcome to The Upstate American conversation. My only caution is that I wouldn’t lump all media together — because the rank-and-file working journalists I know care more about presenting an accurate and fair report than about drawing page views or audience. Also, Fox is in a class of its own; no other major media outlet distorts and lies (by omission and commission) like Fox does. Note that America’s most successful digital news site is The New York Times, which doesn’t count sensationalism among its vices yet has won 9 million paying subscribers.

But you are so right about fair play as the watchword. And you’ve given me something to consider in noting the huge history of cheating in sports, beyond those I noted.

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Normally I am in agreement with much or all of the statements in your columns; however, there is one statement in particular in this article that I am quite certain is erroneous, that being "Stefanik represents me in Congress". I am fairly certain she does not.

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I get your drift. I think you are quite correct.

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