
Wonderful article! I find inspiration in your writing. Thanks.


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Aug 20, 2022Liked by REX SMITH

Well done! Loved this piece and it’s reminder to find joy…

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“Ecstasy is triggered off every time that one rises above oneself, every time one frees oneself from a constraint in one's circumstances, in one's way of thinking, emotions, self-image...every time one discovers the cosmic bounty and inexhaustible innovativeness invested in one...in fact, when one discovers the creator in one, as oneself…” Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan

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Once again, you have hit the mark, and yes provided a moment of inspiration.

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Thank you for this reminder. I'm very disheartened by the current political atmosphere and often feel helpless to change anything about it. I sometimes forget there are inspiring activities I feel passionate about contributing to. I feel inspired when I read weekly with low-performing first graders at a nearby elementary school, when I share lunch with Jail to Jobs youthful offenders who need encouragement, or when I schlepp to downtown Austin each month to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to bring to homeless and underserved populations with Mobile Loaves and Fishes. None of these activities is political, thank God! I write because it inspires me, and I read what others have written for the same reason. Thank you for inspiring me today!

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