Rex, yours is a column that needed to be written and I’m so glad you did. I finally came to realize that Trump never fails to outdo himself with his cynicism, sociopathy, mob boss mentality, lies, and hucksterism. What next? Him promising that a vote for him will get one into heaven? He is a malignancy on our democracy. I wake up everyday hoping for a minute that it is all a nightmare.

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Thanks, Steve. I think a writer better equipped in the history of American Christianity than I am could write an ongoing Substack column weekly on the Trump phenomenon in evangelical circles. It's actually a tragedy.

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He degrades and debases us all. And does so with impunity. Shame on us.

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Yes, Al. It's hard to imagine that it wasn't our shared loss of focus that allowed this all to happen. And the world is paying the price.

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