Rex- I am not one who writes comments or letters to the editor. I effortlessly resist these urges. I am a regular reader of your column, however, and with each of your installments, I get another urge to write you. It turns out the these urges, like X-Rays, accumulate in your system becoming harder and harder to resist. Today’s essay is no less a relevant, thought-provoking, and poetically written piece that I regularly find in your writings. At first i read you pieces occasionally, then regularly, then i quoted a portion to my wife; now, as each arrives in my in-box, I read it out loud as we share your essay. Such a reading is followed by discussion as the NYTimes sits idly on the couch. Thank you Rex. You will not hear from me for a long time.

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I often think, too, that war would not happen with women in charge, but the solution is not for all men to back off! Think of so many examples of courageous opposition to dictatorship. Sometimes a voice is all we have. Not sure backing off would set the right example although we do hear that it's time to let minority voices speak and back off there. Have you read Tim Egan's new book on the KKK in Indiana? Alarming to say the least. In that case a courageous woman did sound the alarm but there were others before her, men, who spoke out, too.

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This analysis and defense is much appreciated, Rex. Paired with my reading of Timothy Egan's Fever in the Heartland this week it is also alarming in reflecting the attitudes toward women that extreme conservatism promotes. Over my lifetime, I have watched and benefited from the emergence of women ministers and leaders in UCC churches, especially. I didn't realize your father left ministry early because of the "backward" trends. My father, too, as you know, left ministry early and found a more compatible home in the academic world, but he also still brought his questioning faith to shaping Methodist Churches he attended.

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Your pieces are always interesting and worth reading; affirming my life view but with extra foundations and background. Thank you, Rex. And I share them widely.

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What David Conroy said! Beautifully done as always. Thank You!

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Wow! What a nice piece of writing. Thanks, Rex.

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