This may be the most chilling move by a GOP pol yet. Floridians cannot let this go unchallenged.

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I recently subscribed to the Hill Country (Texas) News to get local stories. They mail a weekly issue, which is about half local school district sports. Since I don't have kids in school, only half the paper is of interest to me, but it's the principle of supporting local journalism. I agree this democratic institution is in danger. I'm trying to do my part, but I fear it won't help much.

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Thanks for the support, Janice. I used to read the Hill Country News when I was in college in San Antonio. It had some pretty strong enterprise reporting in those days. A lot of readers care about high school sports, but some of us have no interest at all once our kids graduate, so a paper has to offer a lot more to keep us.

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So glad you continue to contribute to our community by sharing your thoughts, insights, and wisdom. It is appreciated, and it is important. Thank you.

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Thanks for reading, Bill. I hope you and

Audrey and the family all are thriving, and that we see you one of these days.

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Lots going on, but I would like to plan a get-together this summer with you and Marion and Grace if she is around.

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Absolutely. G is in DC. Let’s for sure do this. We would love it.

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